Flying Vet

Flying vet needs support for operational costs and the Rehabilitation and Necropsy Clinic.
Help them by giving donation starting from IDR100.000.

Donation Program

Flying Vet

About I AM Flying Vet

The Flying Vet (Indonesia Aquatic Megafauna - Flying Vet) is an association of Indonesian Aquatic Megafauna Veterinarians under the Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI) which accommodates veterinarians in Indonesia. I AM Flying Vet was formed as a response to the condition that increase in the incident megafauna the sea stranded. I AM Flying Vet helps the government make a move to medical treatment in a fast  and responsive to megafautics from reptiles (turtles), elasmobranches (sharks and rays) and marine mammals (dugongs, whales and dolphins) at the scene, in the form of life assistance, disease management, veterinary forensic, and minimizing the negative impact of stranded case for the public health and environment.

How I am Flying Vet works?
1. Managing megafautics aquatics in the form of the prevention of the stranded case, handling of sick and /or stranded marine mammals both living and dead, which occur in various coastal areas of Indonesia.
2. Make a diagnosis, treat, and carry out post-mortem investigations on aquatic megafauna especially in the event of stranding.
3. Deepening investigations into deaths and uncovering the causes of stranded mammals, to make recommendations for managing the occurrence of stranded marine mammals in the future.


Who works with the Flying Vet
- Veterinarians active in several instances of stranded marine mammals in Indonesia
- Coral Reef Alliance
- Indonesian Cetacean Sirenian Foundation (Cetasi)
- Ministry of Marine and Fisheries (KKP)
- Animal Clinic
- Various agencies such as Denpasar BPSPL, Ujung Batee Aceh Brackish Water Cultivation Center, Syah Kuala Banda Aceh University, Bangka Belitung Agricultural Quarantine and West Papua, Jember Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, Udayana University, Pontianak Muhamadiyah University

How Your Donation Can Help?

  • IDR 100.000

    Can buy portable medical equipment for veterinarians and support accommodation fee for flying vet

  • IDR 100.000

    Could to build a rehabilitation and necropsy clinic.

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