#Run4Tigers campaign is a movement supported by WWF-Indonesia to spread the message of tiger preservation through marathon activities. This movement is open to all those who concerned with tiger conservation efforts. The more you contribute, the wider the chance of tigers to survive in nature.
In this campaign, there are people who are concerned about the Sumatran tiger conservation issue. They are called Team Tigers. The activities are not limited in running. Cycling, swimming, or other activities can be done to support the preservation of the Sumatran tiger.
Pambudi Bayuseno, a member of Jamaica Café who is also one of #Run4Tigers initiators, who took a part in the movement.
Rafselia Novalina also participated in Team Tigers. Women who live in Pekanbaru, Riau and frequently visit Rimbang Baling, one of the conservation areas of Sumatran tiger habitat, she has her own reasons to take apart in # Run4Tigers. "As a child, my parents told me: honor the inyiak (nickname for Sumatran tiger in Minangkabau). Inyiak who is always respected, now its existence there is only 371 individuals remaning in the wild. Sad and pity to see the facts," she explained. For this reason, she wants to do more and real act for preservation of the Sumatran tiger. "With running, I was able to introduce Sumatran tigers to people around me directly through a chat or through social media accounts," she added.
In the upcoming event is Bali Marathon 2017, we invite you to take part in Run4Tigers movement. If you participating in the event, bring a message the Sumatran tiger conservation. Use Tiger-themed attributes, and share your running moments through social media with hastag #Run4Tigers.
Be part of Team Tigers with join #Run4Tigers. You will get Run4Tigers Jersey special edition.