Honey farmers group in West Lombok, NTB, needs help to build a honey production house.
Help them by giving donation starting from Rp300.000.
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Honey farmers group in West Lombok, NTB, needs help to build a honey production house.
Help them by giving donation starting from Rp300,000.
Communities living around the conservation areas are very dependent on the existence of natural resources that exist around it as a source of livelihood. Forests can increase the local economy by utilizing forest products.
The people of Pakuan Village, Narmada, West Lombok, NTB, live around of Sesaot Protected Forest. They manage non-timber forest products (HHBK) such as honey, jackfruit, coffee, bananas, candlenuts and palm sugar, to fulfil their daily needs.
WWF-Indonesia is providing technical assistance to increase the added value of what they manage currently. WWF-Indonesia encourages the construction of Honey Production House that will be managed by community group that WWF support, Kelompok Masyarakat Peduli Hutan (KMPH) or Forest Community Care Group. Honey Production House is a building for processing non-timber forest products in Pakuan Village, Narmada Sub-district, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Honey Production House will be built in July - September 2017. It is expected to increase the added value to the management of non-timber forest products especially honey from cultivation, to increase the quality processing of non-timber forest products, to set the standardization processing of non-timber products, and increase the capacity of non-timber forest products farmers. With the presence of Honey Production House, there will be around 375 families potentially more prosperous.
With your help in the construction of Honey Production House, the economy of the people around the conservation area will increase, the balance of nature will be maintained.