Orangutan Warrior

Answering the challenge "Because Mother Nature Needs Help",
where habitats and native Indonesian wildlife are endangered!

Donation Detail

Program: Orangutan Warrior

Monthly Donation

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Orangutan, the forest and jungle gardener, is Indonesia's genuine animal whose home are within the Sumatran and Bornean forests. They are endangered due to illegal poaching and shortage of nursery ground. Rescue them by joining Warrior. Donations can be given from IDR 50,000/month.

Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii) is more critically endangered than their "siblings", the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) in Indonesia, where both have remarkable physical and behaviour distinctions. These spesies are closely found only in the north and middle Sumatra province due to their lost of nature habitats by deforrestation for palm oil plantation, illegal logging, and unsustainable logging. 

There are thirteen orangutan colonies can be found in Sumatera island, in which three of the colonies has more or less 500 individuals and seven of the colonies has more than 250 individuals. Moreover, six from the seven colonies are predicted to lose their habitats by 10-15% due to deforestation that affects their rapid population reduction.

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  • T-Shirt

    Special Edition Orangutan Warrior T-Shirt

  • E-Magazine

    (every 4 months)

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    WWF Monthly e-Newsletter

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