Let's help KM. Gurano Bintang and the volunteers to give proper environmental education and nutrition for the children!
You can help the Cendrawasih Gulf Nastional Park children to have proper environmental education through KM. Gurano Bintang. Donations can be given from IDR 150.000.
KM. Gurano Bintang is WWF-Indonesia's conservation boat which operates in Cendrawasih Gulf National Park area (Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, Papua). Other than monitoring and examining the marine conservation and Whale Shark populations, KM Gurano Bintang also actively patroling the fisherman villages around the Cendrawasih Gulf National Park area to give environment survey and education as well as nutrition assessment and help for the children in the area.
With intergrated environmental education, WWF hopes to plant early environment awareness, and to conserve Whale Shark's habitats, as well as to give an understanding that human can live harmonically with nature without destroying what Earth has offered.
Todays' Gurano Bintang has already visited 17 villages, and we're hoping to keep the numbers up. This program, apparently, needs a regular fair amount of fund. The community supports are needed to succeeding this noble mission, and also gives hope to our beloved Mother Nature's future.