Gurano Bintang

Let's help KM. Gurano Bintang and the volunteers to give
proper environmental education and nutrition for the children!

Donation Program

Gurano Bintang

What is Gurano Bintang?

KM. Gurano Bintang is WWF-Indonesia's conservation boat which operates in Cendrawasih Gulf National Park area (Taman Nasional Teluk Cendrawasih, Papua). Other than monitoring and examining the marine conservation and Whale Shark populations, KM Gurano Bintang also actively patroling the fisherman villages around the Cendrawasih Gulf National Park area to give environment survey and education as well as nutrition assessment and help for the children in the area.

What do they say about KM. Gurano Bintang?

Linche Masakeri (3rd grade student at YPK Goni Elementary School)
"It's fun to come abroad on KM. Gurano Bintang! I can see all the rooms above the boat, especially the bathroom and boat deck." said Linche Masakeri, smilling. This third grade student from YPK Goni Elementary School and her schoolmates were given permission to visit this boat like their friends from other villages. Our thirst of excitement and experience were fulfilled once the first batch arrived at KM. Gurano Bintang.

Lenora Rumawi (Headmistress of YPK Ora Et Labora Yaur Elementary School)
"My hope as a senior teacher is that Gurano Bintang will be able to visit the villages at Cenderawasih Gulf regularly to share knowledge which cannot be gained at school, such as the knowledge of marine life and biodiversities as well as how to keep it diverse and clean to provide foodsource without endangering the marine ecosystem.

Frans Marani (Environment Conservator from Goni Village)
"To visit the villages more often and monitoring the sea regularly to prevent illegal fishind such as trawling and sea cucumber hunting using a compressor," is the hope of Mr.Marani for KM.Gurano Bintang. Hoping that one of his children will follow his footsteps in the future to defend environment conservation in a higher level, Mr. Marani dreams that one of his children will work with WWF or with the Directorate of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation in the Department of Forestry.

How Your Donation Can Help?

  • IDR 50.000.000

    Could fund KM. Gurano Bintang to monitor and give environmental knowledge for the children at Cenderawasih Gulf National Park

  • IDR 150,000/month

    Help the children at Cenderawasih Gulf National Park to accpet sufficient environmental education through KM. Gurano Bintang

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