Turtle Warrior

Answering the challenge "Because Mother Nature Needs Help",
where habitats and native Indonesian wildlife are endangered!

Donation Detail

Program: Turtle Warrior

Monthly Donation

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Only 1 from 1000 sea turtle eggs that can hatch and grow to maturity. They encounter threats both from the land and sea. Rescue them by becoming a Warrior. Donation can be given from IDR 50,000/month.

Indonesia has become the home for six from seven sea turtle species in the world by giving a strategic nesting and nursing ground, as Indonesia is in between the Pacific and Hindia Ocean. However, the six sea turtle species has now been claimed as 'almost endangered', 'endangered', and 'critically endangered' according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The major threats that cause the decrease of sea turtle population revolve around loss of habitat and nesting ground, poaching, illegal trading and evironment exploitation that dangers the surroundings. 

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