
Be a part of WWF by helping the conservation of our Nature for future generations through programs Nature Guardian.
Support shark conservation efforts in Indonesia by giving donation starts from IDR 50,000

Donation Detail

Program: SOSharks

Monthly Donation

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Stop Consuming Shark Fin Soup, Preserve the Life of Sharks. Give Your Support!

In 2013, the number of dead shark fins in the world to be taken as many as 100 million sharks per year or three sharks per second. In 2014, the consumption of shark fins in the restaurant in Jakarta at least 15,000 kg per year.

Products made ​​from shark are produced through a vile process, the shark caught alive, fins cut off and the shark thrown into the sea. Sharks was slowly drowning and dead.

Your support could help our conservation efforts to save the sharks, also maintain the health and balance of the marine ecosystem in Indonesia.

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