Badak Jawa

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Program: Badak Jawa

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Three New Calves Identified, Brighter Hope for Javan Rhino. Give Your Support!

A pleasant sights of Javan Rhino captured in Ujung Kulon National Park. Three calves were recorded by camera/video traps in three different blocks between the period of April – July 2015. Only in July 2015, the Ujung Kulon National Park Authority announced the latest population survey which results 60 individuals inhibiting the National Park.
The calves are known of 2 males and 1 female and were born from mother named Siti, Ratu and Desy. They were captured separately in the Western, Eastern and Southern part of Ujung Kulon Peninsula.

Your support could help our conservation effort to save Sumatran and Javan Rhino also its habitat in Indonesia!

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