Here's might be your questions.
Sahabat Penyu is a part of "Sahabat Satwa" program which aims to support WWF Indonesia conservation effort to protect endangered species and their habitats. The others "Sahabat Satwa" program are 'Sahabat Penyu' and 'Sahabat Penyu' and 'Sahabat Penyu'.
You can Join Sahabat Penyu program by giving monthly donation starting from Rp.100,000. Monthly donation will help us ensure the sustainability of our conservation work. Other way to take part in this program is by giving one time donation, starting from Rp. 750,000.
You can donate using credit card. If you choose to donate by autodebet Mandiri, please send an email to our contact center at
As a part of Sahabat Penyu, you will get a supporter card that has 10% discount for WWF merchandises, Penyu push toys, e-newsletter and the Living Planet magazine every four months. One-time donation will get the package exclude the Living Planet Magazine.
Currently there are 4 packages available. Sahabat Orangutan, Sahabat Harimau, Sahabat Gajah and Sahabat Penyu.
Yes, and you will receive 2 packages.
No. You shouldn't pay any delivery fee.
Welcoming Letter will be shipped in 30 days after first deduction. Plush Toys will be shipped after your second month of your donation.
The Package will be returned to WWF and we will call you to confirm the second shipping.
Yes, but at first you must arrange an appointment by phone at 021-5761076 or email
LPM is published every 4 month, you will receive the latest edition of LPM in the next shipping after you receive the donation package.
Yes, but please notify us the shipping address when you do the registration.
Sahabat Penyu Program is only offered in Indonesia. You have to pay additional delivery fee accordance to your country
Every single donation you donate is very valuable to ensure the sustainability of our conservation work. However, if you intend to stop your donation, please call the Contact Center at 021-5761076 or send an email to
No, you can't change the package if your donation has been already processed. However you can get the other package by joining the other Sahabat Program.